Organizations that connect savers and borrowers contribute to the smooth operation of economies.
YOU HAVE $1,000 that you want to make money with until you need it again, like a year from now. In the event that you wish to purchase a home and must borrow $100,000, repaying it over a 30-year period.or Tax Concept: Understanding Taxation Basics.
Finding a lender willing to loan $100,000 for thirty years, or a potential borrower in need of precisely $1,000 every year, would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for an individual working alone.
This is the role of banks.
Banks perform a variety of functions, but the main one is receiving money from people who have money, known as deposits, pooling them, and lending them to people who don’t. Banks act as middlemen between borrowers and depositors, the former of which lends money to the latter. Interest is the term used to describe both the fee banks charge for deposits and the revenue they get from lending.
Individuals and households, as well as financial and nonfinancial companies and local and national governments, can make deposits. Indeed, all borrowers are the same. Deposits may be made with certain limits (like savings and time deposits) or readily available upon request (like a checking account).
Giving out loans
While some depositors may require their money at any given time, the majority do not. This makes it possible for banks to make longer-term loans using shorter-term deposits. Maturity transformation is the process by which short-term liabilities (deposits) are changed into long-term assets (loans). In most nations, banks make the majority of their revenue from the difference between what they pay depositors and what they get from borrowers.
Banks can increase their financing sources beyond traditional deposits by directly obtaining loans from the money and capital markets. They have two options: either they can issue securities like bonds or commercial paper, or they can temporarily lend out securities they already possess to other institutions in exchange for cash; this is known as a repurchase arrangement (repo). In order to get money they can lend again, banks can also bundle the loans they now hold into a security and sell it to the market. This process is known as liquidity transformation and securitization.
While arranging credit and debt repayments may be a bank’s primary function, banks also generate money and are vital to both the local and global payment systems.
In addition to needing a place to deposit and borrow money, people, companies, and governments also need to move money around, from buyers to sellers, employers to employees, or taxpayers to governments. Here, too, banks are crucial. They handle all types of payments, from large-value electronic transfers between banks to the smallest personal checks. The intricate web of regional, global, and local banks that makes up the payments system frequently includes private clearing houses and government central banks that reconcile bank debt. Payments are frequently processed almost instantly. Debit and credit cards are also a part of the payment system. An efficiently running economy depends on a functioning payments system, and payments system malfunctions are likely to seriously impede commerce and, consequently, economic growth.
Making Cash
Money is also produced by banks. This is what they do since a percentage of their deposits, which can be in cash or securities that can be easily converted to cash, must be kept in reserve and not lent out. The size of those reserves is determined by the central bank—a government organization at the hub of a nation’s banking and monetary systems—as well as by the bank’s evaluation of its depositors’ cash needs. The necessary reserves are kept on deposit by banks with central banks, such the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and the U.S. Federal Reserve. Lending the remaining funds that depositors give them allows banks to create new money. This money can be re-injected into the banking system by being deposited in another bank, which will then be able to lend a portion of it, and it can also be used to pay for goods and services. A phenomenon known as the multiplier effect occurs when the loan process repeats itself multiple times. The amount of money that banks are required to have in reserve determines the size of the multiplier, or the quantity of money generated from an original deposit.
In addition, banks produce, distribute, and exchange securities in addition to lending and recycling extra money within the financial system.
Apart from keeping the difference (or spread) between the income they receive on securities they own or borrowers and the interest they pay on deposits and borrowed funds, banks have other means to generate revenue. They are able to make money through:
- profits from trading securities; and costs associated with providing customer services, including financial and investment banking, loan servicing, checking account origination, and the creation, marketing, and sale of other financial goods like mutual funds and insurance.
- Banks typically receive one to two percent of their assets, which include securities and loans. This is known as the return on assets (ROA) of a bank.
communicating monetary policy
Additionally, banks are essential to the government’s ability to transmit monetary policy, which is one of its most powerful instruments for attaining economic growth devoid of inflation. While banks enable the movement of money in the marketplaces in which they operate, the central bank regulates the amount of money in circulation nationwide. By altering the reserve requirements for banks and engaging in open market transactions including the purchase and sale of assets with banks acting as major counterparties, central banks can affect the amount of money in circulation at the national level. Banks can reduce the amount of money in circulation by retaining more liquid assets—assets that can be quickly and cheaply changed into cash with little effect on price—or by storing more deposits as reserves at the central bank. A “credit crunch” can result from a sudden increase in bank reserves or liquid assets, regardless of the cause. This decreases the quantity of money banks can lend, which raises borrowing costs as consumers must pay more for the limited bank funds. Economic growth may be hampered by a credit constraint.
Banks are like other businesses, they can fail. However, their failure might have more significant effects that harm clients, other banks, the neighborhood, and the market as a whole. Deposits made by customers may be frozen, loan arrangements may fail, and credit lines that companies need to pay suppliers or make payroll may not be renewed. Furthermore, bank failures can cascade into one another.
The three main sources of vulnerabilities in banks are as follows:
a large ratio of total deposits to short-term funding sources like checking accounts and repos. The majority of deposits go toward financing longer-term loans, which are difficult to pay off fast; they also support low cash to asset ratios and low capital to asset ratios (assets less liabilities).
Checking account payments are subject to demand and almost instantaneous repossession by depositors and other creditors. When a bank is seen as having issues, whether rightly or not, clients may remove money from the bank so quickly that the tiny amount of liquid assets the bank has is quickly depleted out of concern that they may lose their savings. In order to satisfy the demand for withdrawals during a “run on deposits,” a bank could have to sell other, less liquid, longer-term assets—often at a loss. Losses could push a bank into insolvency if they are significant enough to surpass its capital.
Banking is essentially about confidence or trust—having faith that the bank has sufficient capital to meet its commitments. Any breech in that confidence could lead to a run, possibly even a bank failure, or even the collapse of solvent institutions. Deposits are insured in many countries in case of bank failure; but, as the current crisis shown, banks are more susceptible to market-driven runs than depositor runs because they rely more on market funding sources.
The necessity of laws
Bank safety and soundness are a major public policy concern, and government policies have been designed to limit bank failures and the panic they can ignite. In most countries, banks need a charter to carry out banking activities and to be eligible for government backstop facilities—such as emergency loans from the central bank and explicit guarantees to insure bank deposits up to a certain amount. Banks are regulated by the laws of their home country and are typically subject to regular supervision. In the event that banks operate overseas, the host nation may additionally regulate them. Regulators have broad powers to intervene in troubled banks to minimize disruptions.
Regulations are generally designed to limit banks’ exposures to credit, market, and liquidity risks and to overall solvency risk. Banks are now required to hold more and higher-quality equity—for example, in the form of retained earnings and paid-in capital—to buffer losses than they were before the financial crisis. Large global banks must hold even more capital to account for the potential impact of their failure on the stability of the global financial system (also known as systemic risk). Regulations also stipulate minimum levels of liquid assets for banks and prescribe stable, longer-term funding sources.
Regulators are reviewing the growing importance of institutions that provide bank-like functions but that are not regulated in the same fashion as banks—so-called shadow banks—and looking at options for regulating them. The recent financial crisis exposed the systemic importance of these institutions, which include finance companies, investment banks, and money market mutual funds.
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